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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last year I talked about my sob story of how it was going to be the final year getting a family picture taken with Santa because 'our' Santa was retiring & the timing was right because my husband was tired of the Santa Picture (he's been doing a Santa photo since birth!). So we agreed it best to leave it to our son Roman get his photo with the Big Guy from here on out.

... Well, that didn't happen! At the very last minute, right before it was Roman's turn to see Santa, I turned to Christopher and said, "I can't stand it. I've got to have our picture with Santa!" So, of course, he obliged (probably not happily, but willingly). So that's the story with this recent photo. :)

At the salon, the close of the year brought me to something that I've been anticipating since the spring: Emily's wedding!
The day finally came and her hair ended up looking stunning. We had been slowly transitioning her color from a strawberry blonde to a firey red. I think it went perfectly with her wedding attire and the holiday season. :)

I stole a few of these photos off of Kelly Manno's website to show off her hair:

It's been nice to end the year with a bang!

Merry Christmas and see you next year!