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Friday, March 28, 2008


After 12 days beyond his due date, Roman Giovanni Harris finally makes his appearance into the world at a whopping 8 pounds, 5 ounces and 21 inches long.
He was born on March 26, 2008 at 3:30 pm and we are so happy to have him here!
More pictures to come!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

11 Days Overdue and Counting!

Salon Update:
Even though the baby has not arrived I am on maternity leave. I will return to the salon in MAY. Since my hours will be condensed the first month or so, I recommend making your appointments now so that you can guarantee a slot. While I am away from the salon you can contact me through email. I look forward to hearing from you!

I hope to update this blog SOON saying that the baby is born!

Looking to lighten up? Don't think that requires an all over color! I love to take someone to a lighter shade without having harsh stripes of blonde or makeing sure it looks like they grow platinum hair right from their scalp...(not everyone can pull off Gwen Stefani!)

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Salon Update: I am not officially on maternity leave until the baby is born. So if you'd like to see if a last minute appointment is possible, shoot me an email and I will call you back to set something up. Of course there are no guarantees but it doesn't hurt to try!


So I haven't had the baby yet. The due date has come and gone and he's still not here. So what have I been doing with my time? Well, I'm not just going to sit on the couch and stare at my belly ...unless I've got a camera pointing at me and it makes for a good picture. That's right, I had a few friends come over and take pictures of my 40+ weeks belly. Alicea and Ashley did an excellent job and they are looking for more prego bellies to shoot. If anyone is interested you can contact them HERE or call 314.620.6084
It was a lot of fun and it was a good distraction since there's no telling when this little guy is going to come!

This is one of my favorites! They only gave me a couple right now but I will post more as they arrive.

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Monday, March 17, 2008


I have such awesome clients. I cannot tell you how many of them showered me with baby gifts. And I really don’t have any weirdo clients that have said strange things to me about my belly or given me the horrors of labor and delivery.

All of them have taken this awesome time in my life to show how much they appreciate me. I hope they know how much I appreciate them.

I absolutely love what I do. I’ve made every effort to show that throughout my pregnancy. I really don’t want people to think I am going to fall off the face of the earth once I am ’offically’ a mom. I know that there’s no job in the world that can match nurturing a life and raising a child but I am grateful to have a career that allows me to feel fulfilled. Not because it is something that I fell into, had forced upon me, or tried to make it work...but because I am truly passionate about making others look good and feel good through my work as a hairstylist.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Now that it's nearing 75 degrees outside, it's time to start breaking out the flip flops, changing out the winter wardrobe and thinking about spring makeovers. The trend tip for the season? Bobs and Boxy Bangs are IN.

Katie Holmes’ haircut is going strong and will continue to be in fashion this spring. It’s a nearly one-length bob that swings softly around the face and shows off the neck.
For those of you who aren’t ready to be snipped, very long hair is also going to be in, with either soft long layers around the face, or with a heavy, square bang.

Comment on this topic!

Salon Update: As of this very moment (1:14 pm on Wednesday March 12th), I am not in labor. This means I am still working. :) I plan on working until he's born. If you need to contact me you can email me here.
If I don't get a chance to blog on this topic, let me just say I am so very grateful for my AWESOME clients! I love what I do and it has everything to do with the people I work with! Thank you SO MUCH!!!

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