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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gosh, I love you guys!

You are all AWESOME clients! My summer appointment book is basically full with appointments in preparation for my maternity leave. I love how this helps me out as much as it helps you. Of course, I'm big on communication, so don't hesitate or assume that if you didn't get your preferred appointment that you still can't. I can't promise anything but I'd rather TRY than have you feel like you are left to other options.

It's coming to that time in my pregnancy where I'm anticipating all the little things which is fun and exciting (and scary) all at once. I am consistently overwhelmed by the support and care that you all show me. :) And I'm just now starting to get excited about this little nameless baby that's consistenly kicking me now. If you know me at all, you know I can't even wrap my mind around this kid until he becomes more 'real' to me so I don't even see a point in thinking of names until I feel that point. Well, when you look at the size of my belly, there's no denying it's REAL!


I just hope you don't mind a little "belly nudge" from me during your hair appointment. Sometimes I underestimate how far out this thing is getting. Hee Hee!

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