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Monday, April 28, 2008

I've wanted to share this with you for so long but was waiting to be able to post everything at once! Thanks to Kelly Manno Photography for giving me permission to post her work online. Below you will find our "Birth Story" which I've uploaded on YouTube. Also, I've posted Roman's Birth Announcement. You can click on each photograph of the birth announcement to view them more closely. When you watch the Birth Story, be sure to listen to the music too! And grab your tissues!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am so excited to come back and share my photos of baby Roman with you all. Kelly Manno shot some awesome photographs and put together a great slideshow. I'm waiting for the birth announcement she put together to come in the mail. Once it does I will post it along with Roman's birth story.

SALON UPDATE: My schedule has changed!!!

I took a visit to the salon yesterday to check my appointment book. IT'S FULL! So I adjusted my schedule and opened up my appointment book so that no one will miss out on getting their hair done.

PLUS you can view my schedule online...just go to my website and click Salon Schedule

As always, you can email me with any questions or concerns. I love hearing from you and look forward being back to work May 7th!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You voted...The Results are IN!

How often do you shampoo?

54% - Gotta shampoo everyday!

37% - Every other day, my hair can style better on the 2nd day!

8% - I try to go as long as possible!

Friday, April 18, 2008

I never officially felt the earthquake or the aftershocks but they still freak me out. What about you? Comment on your earthquake experience!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ok, I swear I'm not obsessed with her but...Katie Holmes cut her hair again. She ditched the bob and now she’s sporting a fitted bi-level. Other celebs, like Rihanna, keep clipping away at their ‘dos, too. So keep your eyes out for this close-cropped look because everyone will want it once temperatures soar. The best thing about this cut is that I can detail and personalize it for you by studying the face and then using a razor to open up space in discreet areas, like around the eyes or at the temple to spotlight gorgeous cheekbones.

SALON UPDATE: Back to work May 7th! As my friend Kelly says, I am coming back to work in 'baby steps'....this means my hours are condensed until I can figure this Mommy thing out. So make your appointments ASAP so that you can get your preferred time/date. I prefer that you call the salon to set up your appointments first. However, if you call and things don't work out, don't hesitate to email me to see if I can fit you in! I check my email regularly and will try my best to accomodate!

YOU voted! Here's the verdict...

Which TV Shows best forecast the newest trends?

Celebrity: Access Hollywood/TMZ - 40%

I don't use TV to find trends - 35%

Reality TV: American Idol/Project Runway - 25%

Talk Shows: Oprah/Regis - 10%

Drama: Desperate Housewives/Greys Anatomy - 10%