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Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's Here!

Ladies and gentleman, introducing Milo Salvatore Harris.

Our perfect bundle of joy was born August 21st at 4:47am.
8lbs, 2oz, 20.5 inches

He is truly precious and we're all doing great.

Ok, and down to business...
I'm sure you're incredibly happy for me but also are thinking, "What about my hair?!?"

Now that I'm on official maternity leave I will happily correspond with you through email. donnaAharris@gmail.com

I do not plan on answering any calls or taking any appointments on my phone while on maternity leave.

I am returning to the salon in November and taking appointments now. I am quickly booking up for the rest of the year. Please email me if you'd like to get scheduled! :)

While I'm gone....
I want you to receive the best service possible while I am away, so I have a great stylist to recommend in my absence:

Sammy is my right hand gal and took on my clients at my last maternity leave. I have had nothing but good experiences with her and am glad to have someone dependable to rely on. She will have access to your individual color formulas and is excellent in her skill. You can contact her directly to set up your appointments: 636-352-6941

Thank you for continuing to be loyal clients during this special time in my life. I look forward to seeing you upon my return!

P.S. Thanks to Kelly Manno for coming out in the middle of the night during a horrendous storm to photograph the birth of our new baby boy! More photos to come in the next couple of weeks!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Baby's Room!

I was surprised at the salon the other day by a wonderful gift...a diaper cake!


The staff all pitched in so that Lacey could make this awesome cake. Lacey didn't know anything about the room or our colors, the gift just happened to match the baby's room PERFECTLY.

I absolutely love how our design efforts turned out! It makes me super excited for this little boy to arrive.


While I'm not too big on having a themed room, I can't help but love the giraffes that are scattered playfully about. This big 4 foot tall giraffe was actually something that Christopher won at "Dave and Busters". Roman thinks it's his gift to give to baby brother once he arrives. I'm interested to see how that goes over. :)


The bedding was the initial inspriation for the room decor. It's fun to have all the different prints, patterns, and textures.


This is one of my favorite pieces. It was a scale that my mom used on all of us!


So, that's the baby's room. I admit it. We find ourselves in there all the time trying to imagine what life will be like once he arrives. With one week left before my due date, I hope we don't have to imagine much longer!!!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Busy Scissors!

So I grew up with all brothers and all boy cousins. I spent many, many years either playing video games or watching my family memebers get to the end of Zelda, beat Super Mario 3, fight the final fight in Mike Tyson's Punch Out... I've even enjoyed a few games on a ColecoVision. Then I got married to one of the "biggest kids" and avid video game players around. We've collected our share of Xbox, PS2 and PS3 and Nintento Wii video games. ....but I don't think I could ever convince my brothers, cousins or husband to play this video game!

Check it out!!!!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Fall Color Predictions!!!!

Ok, I understand we are in the midst of one of the hottest days of the year. So who's thinking about fall when we're just trying to survive the heat, right? Well my favorite trend magazines say that this year's hot (or let's think cool since we're talking seasonal change) fall hair color is going to be Chocolate and Mocha shades.

Mocha Choca Latta YaYa

For Fall/Winter 2010, it’s all about hot chocolate and mocha. I'm not talking calorie-laden scrumptiousness (but I won't turn down a Starbucks hot chocolate any day!), but rich, envy-inducing hair color. Sounds delicious, huh? Take style mavens like Salma Hayek Pinault and Catherine Zeta Jones for example. Both always have impeccable color, especially when they embrace the darker shades. Catherine’s shimmering color brings out her gorgeous eyes and full lips. Salma’s color and style always highlights her cheek bones and smoldering eyes. Dark, strong tones exude a sense of confidence, beauty and sex appeal.

To keep your color rich between appointments, consider an at-home color enhancing shampoo and conditioner to help maintain the richness of the color.

Aveda's Black Malva is a good choice. It brings out cool, deep tones in dark shades and discourages the appearance of red or brassy tones. Contains organically grown aloe, black tea and emollient-rich black malva that's been wild-crafted—sustainably gathered by hand in its natural habitat. Be sure to ask about it at your next appointment!