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Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's Here!

Ladies and gentleman, introducing Milo Salvatore Harris.

Our perfect bundle of joy was born August 21st at 4:47am.
8lbs, 2oz, 20.5 inches

He is truly precious and we're all doing great.

Ok, and down to business...
I'm sure you're incredibly happy for me but also are thinking, "What about my hair?!?"

Now that I'm on official maternity leave I will happily correspond with you through email. donnaAharris@gmail.com

I do not plan on answering any calls or taking any appointments on my phone while on maternity leave.

I am returning to the salon in November and taking appointments now. I am quickly booking up for the rest of the year. Please email me if you'd like to get scheduled! :)

While I'm gone....
I want you to receive the best service possible while I am away, so I have a great stylist to recommend in my absence:

Sammy is my right hand gal and took on my clients at my last maternity leave. I have had nothing but good experiences with her and am glad to have someone dependable to rely on. She will have access to your individual color formulas and is excellent in her skill. You can contact her directly to set up your appointments: 636-352-6941

Thank you for continuing to be loyal clients during this special time in my life. I look forward to seeing you upon my return!

P.S. Thanks to Kelly Manno for coming out in the middle of the night during a horrendous storm to photograph the birth of our new baby boy! More photos to come in the next couple of weeks!


Cassie said...

Just perfect! Many blessings, Donna! Sending you ALL much love!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to all of you. Take care of yourself, let others wait on you(I know you will take care of that precious boy).

Susie Hall

Anonymous said...

-Joy and blessings,
Jennifer and Mike Green